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- Call for Papers
FEMS Microbiology Ecology
FEMS Microbiology Ecology aims to ensure efficient publication of high-quality papers that are original and provide a significant contribution to the understanding of microbial ecology. The journal contains Research Articles and MiniReviews on fundamental aspects of the ecology of microorganisms in natural soil, aquatic and atmospheric habitats, including extreme environments, and in artificial or managed environments. Research papers on pure cultures and in the areas of plant pathology and medical, food or veterinary microbiology will be published where they provide valuable generic information on microbial ecology. Papers can deal with culturable and non-culturable forms of any type of microorganism: bacteria, archaea, filamentous fungi, yeasts, protozoa, cyanobacteria, algae or viruses. In addition, the journal will publish Perspectives, Current Opinion and Controversy Articles, Commentaries and Letters to the Editor on topical issues in microbial ecology.
– Application of ecological theory to microbial ecology
– Interactions and signalling between microorganisms and with plants and animals
– Interactions between microorganisms and their physicochemical enviornment
– Microbial aspects of biogeochemical cycles and processes
– Microbial community ecology
– Phylogenetic and functional diversity of microbial communities
– Evolutionary biology of microorganisms