- Agricultural-Biological Sciences
- Arts & Humanities
- Biochemistry, Genetics, Molecular Biology
- Business Management Accounting
- Chemical Engineering
- Chemistry
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- Decision Sciences
- Earth & Planetary Sciences
- Economics, Econometrics, Finance
- Energy
- Engineering
- Environmental Science
- Immunology & Microbiology
- Materials Science
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- Neuroscience
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- Pharmacology. Toxicology. Pharmaceutics.
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- Call for Papers
Finance Research Letters
Finance Research Letters invites submissions in all areas of finance, broadly defined. Finance Research Letters offers and ensures the rapid publication of important new results in these areas. We aim to provide a rapid response to papers, with all papers undergoing a desk review by one of the Editors in Chief before being sent for review.
Papers are especially welcome that shed insight on the replicability or lack thereof of established results, that look at transnational applicability of previous findings, that challenge existing methodological approaches, or which demonstrate the methodological contingency of findings. Single country replications of well-established results are not generally within the scope of the journal.
Papers for submission should be concise – less than 2500 words; they should be clearly and lucidly written to convey the essence of the findings and novelty; they should contain new, preliminary or experimental results of interest to the broad finance community.
Topics welcomed include, but are not limited to, those below. Authors are welcome to contact any of the Chief Editors to inquire, without prejudice, as to topic suitability.
Papers are invited in the following areas:
Actuarial studies
Alternative investments
Asset Pricing
Bankruptcy and liquidation
Banks and other Depository Institutions
Behavioral and experimental finance
Bibliometric and Scientometric studies of finance
Capital budgeting and corporate investment
Capital markets and accounting
Capital structure and payout policy
Contagion, crises and interdependence
Corporate governance
Credit and fixed income markets and instruments
Emerging markets
Energy Finance and Energy Markets
Financial Econometrics
Financial History
Financial intermediation and money markets
Financial markets and marketplaces
Financial Mathematics and Econophysics,…