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Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment is a benefit of membership of the Ecological Society of America. International in scope and interdisciplinary in approach, Frontiers focuses on current ecological issues and environmental challenges. Frontiers is aimed at professional ecologists and scientists working in related disciplines. With content that is timely, interesting, and accessible, even to those reading outside their own area of expertise, it has a broad, interdisciplinary appeal and is relevant to all users of ecological science, including policy makers, resource managers, and educators. Frontiers covers all aspects of ecology, the environment, and related subjects, focusing on global issues, broadly impacting research, cross-disciplinary or multi-country endeavors, new techniques and technologies, new approaches to old problems, and practical applications of ecological science. The journal is sent to all ESA members as part of their membership, and is also available by subscription to non-members and institutional libraries.