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International Journal of Human Resource Management
The International Journal of Human Resource Management ( IJHRM ) is the forum for human resource management (HRM) scholars and professionals worldwide. We publish papers that cover any aspect of people management that are relevant to the field. IJHRM welcomes papers that are based in any discipline – for example organizational behavior, occupational psychology or labour economics – as long as there is a clear link to the HRM literature and that they develop strong implications for HR practice. Papers are expected to make a contribution to theory and practice in human resource management. We welcome rigorous research from across the spectrum of methods such as qualitative, quantitative as well as review and conceptual approaches. The Journal has a long track record of interest in papers covering international and comparative HR issues but also publishes work that is set in one country only. We are proud to be globally inclusive and to publish work from areas of the world that are often neglected in the mainstream HR research. We encourage authors to contextualize their studies.