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Journal of Asian Earth Sciences
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences has an open access mirror journal Journal of Asian Earth Sciences: X, sharing the same aims and scope, editorial team, submission system and rigorous peer review.
The Journal of Asian Earth Sciences is an international interdisciplinary journal devoted to all aspects of research related to the solid Earth Sciences of Asia. The Journal publishes high quality, peer-reviewed scientific papers on the regional geology, tectonics, geochemistry and geophysics of Asia. It will be devoted primarily to research papers but short communications relating to new developments of broad interest, reviews and book reviews will also be included. Papers must have international appeal and should present work of more than local significance.
The scope includes deep processes of the Asian continent and its adjacent oceans; seismology and earthquakes; orogeny, magmatism, metamorphism and volcanism; growth, deformation and destruction of the Asian crust; crust-mantle interaction; evolution of life (early life, biostratigraphy, biogeography and mass-extinction); fluids, fluxes and reservoirs of mineral and energy resources; surface processes (weathering, erosion, transport and deposition of sediments) and resulting geomorphology; and the response of the Earth to global climate change as viewed within the Asian continent and surrounding oceans.