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- Call for Papers
Journal of Choice Modelling
The Journal of Choice Modelling publishes theoretical and applied papers in the field of choice modelling. Papers are expected to either make a methodological contribution to the field, or to present an innovative application. The journal is not limited to one area of study, such as transport or marketing, but invites contributions from across a range of disciplines where the analysis of choice behaviour is a topic of interest. While the majority of papers focus on the use of discrete choice models, contributions looking at other methods are also welcome. Similarly, the Journal of Choice Modelling also welcomes contributions looking at survey design.
In addition to standard full length research papers, JOCM also welcomes four other types of submissions:
Research notes
These are shorter articles that can be technical notes addressing a specific model specification, survey design, data collection or estimation issue or discussion pieces highlighting a particular concern in applied work. No specific length limit is imposed, but potential authors may wish to look at volume 21 as an example for such articles.
Research notes are subject to the normal blind refereeing process to maintain the high standards of the journal.