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Journal of CO2 Utilization
The Journal of CO2 Utilization offers a single, multi-disciplinary, scholarly platform for the exchange of novel research in the field of CO2 re-use for scientists and engineers in chemicals, fuels and materials.
The emphasis is on the dissemination of leading-edge research from basic science to the development of new processes, technologies and applications. This includes CO2 as a feedstock in the chemical, energy and materials sectors, and utilization in general to help minimize environmental impact.
The Journal of CO2 Utilization publishes original peer-reviewed research papers, reviews, and short communications, including experimental and theoretical work, and analytical models and simulations.
The coverage includes, but is not limited to:
-Materials for CO2 activation and adsorption
-Heterogeneous and homogeneous catalytic reactions involving CO2
-CO2 conversion to generate synthetic fuels, polymers, organic carbonates, and intermediate products.
-Supercritical CO2 utilization in natural product extraction, catalysis and separation
-Use of CO2 as an oxidant
-Electrochemical and photo-electrochemical conversion of CO2
-Photo-electrochemical, photo-thermal and photochemical conversion of CO2
-Biological conversion of CO2
-Integrated processes for CO2 conversion and reduction