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- Call for Papers
Journal of European Social Policy
The Journal of European Social Policy publishes articles on all aspects of social policy in Europe. Papers should make a contribution to understanding and knowledge in the field, and we particularly welcome scholarly papers which integrate innovative theoretical insights and rigorous empirical analysis, as well as those which use or develop new methodological approaches. The Journal is interdisciplinary in scope and both social policy and Europe are conceptualized broadly. Articles may address multi-level policy making in the European Union and elsewhere; provide cross-national comparative studies; and include comparisons with areas outside Europe. They may deal with a wide range of social policy issues, including: active and passive labour market policies, ageing, education and training, Europeanisation, family policies, gender, health and social care services, migration, pensions and social security, poverty and social exclusion, and privatisation. Single country studies which demonstrably address issues of wider theoretical significance are of interest.