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- Call for Papers
Journal of Evolutionary Biology
The Journal of Evolutionary Biology is a bimonthly, peer-reviewed, international journal. We prioritise papers that address the evolutionary process, from a broad perspective. We cover both micro- and macro-evolution of all types of organisms. The aim of the Journal is to integrate perspectives across molecular and microbial evolution, behaviour, genetics, ecology, life histories, development, palaeontology, systematics and morphology.
To fulfil its integrative role, the Journal gives preference to papers that bring together two or more fields. The Journal seeks a balance, even a tension, between theory and data. The Editorial Board reflects the multidisciplinary role of the Journal and its international focus.
We offer fast-track submission by considering papers from other journals or web outlets, including papers published on pre-print servers, accompanied by previous qualified reviews through ScholarOne or alternative reviewing schemes (such as PCI, Peerage of Science etc.). The manuscript format is of secondary importance initially.
Please note: papers that are narrow in scope, and/or address an issue from a circumscribed taxonomically-oriented view rather than emphasise general evolutionary issues, are liable to editorial rejection.