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- Call for Papers
Learning, Media and Technology
Learning, Media and Technology aims to stimulate debate on digital media, digital technology and digital cultures in education. The journal seeks to include submissions that take a critical approach towards all aspects of education and learning, digital media and digital technology – primarily from the perspective of the social sciences, humanities and arts. The journal has a long heritage in the areas of media education, media and cultural studies, film and television, communications studies, design studies and general education studies.
As such, Learning, Media and Technology is not a generic ‘Ed Tech’ journal. We are not looking to publish context-free studies of individual technologies in individual institutional settings, ‘how-to’ guides for the practical use of technologies in the classroom, or speculation on the future potential of technology in education.
Instead we invite submissions which build on contemporary debates such as:
-The ways in which digital media interact with learning environments, educational institutions and educational cultures
-The changing nature of knowledge, learning and pedagogy in the digital age
-Digital media production, consumption and creativity in educational contexts
-How digital media are shaping (and being shaped by) educational practices in local, national and global contexts
-The social, cultural, economic and political nature of educational media and technology
-The ways in which digital media in education interact with issues of democracy and equity, social justice and public good.
Learning, Media and Technology analyses such questions from a global, interdisciplinary perspective in contributions of the very highest quality from scholars and practitioners in the social sciences, communication and media studies, cultural studies, philosophy, history as well as in the information and computer sciences