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- Call for Papers
Media Psychology
Media Psychology is an interdisciplinary journal devoted to publishing theoretically oriented, empirical research that is at the intersection of psychology and media/mediated communication. Research topics include media uses, processes, and effects. Reports of empirical research, theory papers, state-of-the-art reviews, replication studies and meta-analyses that provide a major synthesis of primary research findings in a pivotal area will be considered. We encourage preregistrations and welcome the inclusion of supplementary materials, such as stimuli, measures, preanalysis plans, deidentified data, and code as a part of new submissions (see Taylor & Francis’ Basic Data Sharing Policy). Manuscripts will be judged by the degree to which they contribute to theory and advance the body of knowledge about the psychology of uses, processes, or effects of the media.
Peer Review Policy: All research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymous refereeing by at least two anonymous referees.