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- Call for Papers
Metabolic Engineering Communications
Metabolic Engineering Communications, a companion title to Metabolic Engineering (MBE), is devoted to publishing original research in the areas of metabolic engineering, synthetic biology, computational biology and systems biology for problems related to metabolism and the engineering of metabolism for the production of fuels, chemicals, and pharmaceuticals. The journal will carry articles on the design, construction, and analysis of biological systems ranging from pathway components to biological complexes and genomes (including genomic, analytical and bioinformatics methods) in suitable host cells to allow them to produce novel compounds of industrial and medical interest. Demonstrations of regulatory designs and synthetic circuits that alter the performance of biochemical pathways and cellular processes will also be presented. Metabolic Engineering Communications complements MBE by publishing articles that are either shorter than those published in the full journal, or which describe key elements of larger metabolic engineering efforts. All articles should impact the development of the field.