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- Call for Papers
Mineralogy and Petrology
Mineralogy and Petrology welcomes manuscripts from the classical fields of mineralogy, igneous and metamorphic petrology, geochemistry, crystallography, as well as their applications in academic experimentation and research, materials science and engineering, for technology, industry, environment, or society. The journal strongly promotes cross-fertilization among Earth-scientific and applied materials-oriented disciplines. Purely descriptive manuscripts on regional topics will not be considered.
Mineralogy and Petrology was founded in 1872 by Gustav Tschermak as “Mineralogische und Petrographische Mittheilungen”. It is one of Europe’s oldest geoscience journals. Former editors include outstanding names such as Gustav Tschermak, Friedrich Becke, Felix Machatschki, Josef Zemann, and Eugen F. Stumpfl.