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Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine
The Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine (OJSM), developed by the American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine (AOSSM), is a global, peer-reviewed, open access journal that combines the interests of researchers and clinical practitioners across orthopaedic sports medicine, arthroscopy, and knee and shoulder arthroplasty.
The aim of OJSM is to provide a truly international source of high-quality peer-reviewed clinical research, relevant basic and translational research, and review articles.
Topics include original research in the areas of:
Orthopaedic sports medicine, including surgical and nonsurgical treatment of orthopaedic sports injuries,
Arthroscopic surgery (shoulder/elbow/wrist/hip/knee/ankle/foot),
Relevant translational research,
Sports traumatology/epidemiology,
Knee and shoulder arthroplasty.
OJSM also publishes relevant systematic reviews and meta-analyses as well as consensus statements and scientific meeting abstracts of affiliated societies.