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- Call for Papers
School Effectiveness and School Improvement
School Effectiveness and School Improvement presents information on educational effectiveness, practice and policy-making across primary and secondary education.
The Editors believe that the educational progress of all students, regardless of family background and economic status, is the key indicator of effectiveness and improvement in schools. School Effectiveness and School Improvement strives to explore this idea with manuscripts that cover a range of subjects within the area of educational effectiveness at the classroom, school or system level, including, but not limited to:
Effective pedagogy
Classroom climate
School ethos and leadership
School improvement and reform programmes
Systemwide policy and reform
The journal does not subscribe to any particular methodology, and publishes quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods studies, literature reviews, historical overviews, case studies (except single case studies), theoretical and philosophical material and methodological papers, providing they are relevant to the field of educational effectiveness and demonstrate the rigour expected from a leading education journal.