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Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung fur Rechtsgeschichte, Germanistische Abteilung
The Zeitschrift für Rechtsgeschichte (ZRG, also known as the Savigny Journal) represents an integral part of European legal history research, having made a significant contribution to the current state of the discipline.
Each section publishes a new volume per year which includes an article and a literature section, each complemented by a Chronik and Mitteilungen section.
The division of ZRG into the Romanistische, Germanistische, and Kanonistische Abteilung (since 1910) is based on the differentiation of the legal-historical subjects at that time. This is no longer self-explanatory, and in particular, Germanistisch is often misunderstood. Today, the sections have the following profile:
The Romanistische Abteilung is dedicated to the entire ancient history of law and the dogmatic broadcasts to the present day,
The Kanonistische Abteilung is dedicated to the entire history of ecclesiastical law, and
The Germanistische Abteilung is dedicated to the rest of entire European legal history since late antiquity to the present day.