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- Biochemistry, Genetics, Molecular Biology
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- Call for Papers
Biology of the Cell
The journal publishes original research articles and reviews on all aspects of cellular, molecular and structural biology, developmental biology, cell physiology and evolution. It will publish articles or reviews contributing to the understanding of the elementary biochemical and biophysical principles of live matter organization from the molecular, cellular and tissues scales and organisms.
This includes contributions directed towards understanding biochemical and biophysical mechanisms, structure-function relationships with respect to basic cell and tissue functions, development, development/evolution relationship, morphogenesis, stem cell biology, cell biology of disease, plant cell biology, as well as contributions directed toward understanding integrated processes at the organelles, cell and tissue levels. Contributions using approaches such as high resolution imaging, live imaging, quantitative cell biology and integrated biology; as well as those using innovative genetic and epigenetic technologies, ex-vivo tissue engineering, cellular, tissue and integrated functional analysis, and quantitative biology and modeling to demonstrate original biological principles are encouraged.